Preventive Health Care
Seasonal cleansing programs

Ayurveda says one has to take care of his/her body that it should be devoid of imbalance DOSHA / toxins. There are many reasons for Dosha imbalance in our body, viz,

  • Area where we live
  • Season & climatic conditions
  • Age
  • Condition of digestion capacity of an individual (अग्नि)
  • Diet style (आहार)
  • Physical activities etc.

If the Dosha imbalance is minimum / less, one can correct it by following simple rules & regulations. But if the Dosha imbalance is more, one has to undergo purificatory procedures (पञ्चकर्म).

Ayurveda has given very much importance to TIME (काल) also; for ex.

  • For medically induced vomiting (वमन)–early summer/spring is good. (In India–Feb to May)
  • For medically induced purgation (विरेचन) – late Autumn is good. (In India – October & November)
  • For medicated enema (बस्ति) – early monsoon is good. (In India – June / July)

All these are referred to a healthy individual. In case of ill health, selecting any treatment is left to the decision of the Vaidya (physician)

Immuno Enhancing programs

Initially one has to correct the Dosha imbalance. If the Dosha imbalance is minimum / less, one can correct it by following simple rules & regulations. But if the Dosha imbalance is more, one has to undergo purificatory procedures (पञ्चकर्म).

After all these procedures, body immune system can be supported by various kinds of food (wholesome diet) and medicines.

Diet ( in proper quantity )

Rice, wheat, Barley, Green gram, cow’s milk, butter milk, Cow’s ghee, Honey, Indian Gooseberry, Pomegranate etc are very much beneficial.


  • Medicated ghee like Indukaanta ghrita etc
  • Medicinal powders (चूर्ण) like Ashwagandha churna etc
  • Medicated fine powders (भस्म) like Gold (स्वर्ण), Abhraka etc
  • Lehyas (लेह्य) like Chyavanaprasha, Kooshmanda rasayana, Agastya rasayana etc
Mother & Child Care
Geriatric Healthcare

As the age progresses, body becomes weak, debilitated. Even immune system also becomes weak.

  • Steps will be taken to maintain the digestive fire (अग्नि)
  • Dosha cleansing techniques will be adopted whenever necessary
  • Body immune system will be supported by various kinds of wholesome diet, medicines (as explained in Immuno-enhancing programs) and therapies.


  • Medicated ghee like Indukaanta ghrita, Sukumara ghrita etc
  • Medicinal powders (चूर्ण) like Ashwagandha churna, Kapikacchu churna, Shatavari churna etc
  • Medicated fine powders (भस्म) like Gold (स्वर्ण), Abhraka etc
  • Lehyas (लेह्य) like Chyavanaprasha, Kooshmanda rasayana, Agastya rasayana etc


  • Periodical / regular oil massage with suitable medicated oils
  • If necessary, whole body Dhara (धारा) treatment, Kizhi (पिण्डस्वेद) etc, are much beneficial for the rejuvenation process.
  • Also Shiro Dhara (शिरोधारा) (continuous pouring of medicated oil etc. over the forehead) is very much beneficial to relive stress & to improve the quality of sleep.
Corporate Healthcare

In today’s fast paced life style, especially in the corporate sector we come across many health issues related to physical and psychological aspects due to lack of physical exercise and excessive mental stress.

For most of the physical problems like joint pains, obesity, Diabetes mellitus etc, various Ayurveda procedures like purificatory procedures (पञ्चकर्म) or many of the external therapies like oil massage (अभ्यङ्ग), pouring the decoctions / medicated oil over the body systematically (धारा), varieties of applications over the body (लेप), fomentation / giving heat & inducing sweating (स्वेदन) are few of the techniques.

For most of the psychological issues like Anxiety, depression etc, and some of the physical health issues secondary to these, viz, High blood pressure (Hyper-tension), Diabetes (High sugar) etc, simpler medicines from Ayurveda and most effective techniques from Yoga (ex. Asana, Pranayama, Meditation, Counseling etc) are practiced here effectively, under the guidance of experts.

Sports Health
For many of the sports injuries, Ayurveda can give an effective solution.

For simple fractures, ligament tear, inflammation of tendons, muscle catch and cramps etc, Ayurveda has very good treatments.

External therapies like oil massage (अभ्यङ्ग) with suitable medicated oils, pouring the decoctions / medicated oil over the body systematically (धारा), varieties of applications over the body (लेप), fomentation / giving heat & inducing sweating (स्वेदन) Kizhi (पिण्डस्वेद) etc are few of the techniques which can help for faster pain relief and also for faster healing.