Virechana is medically induced purgation, where medicines are administered orally and elimination of Vitiated / imbalanced Doshas (mainly Pitta) from the body (mainly from intestine) is done through rectum /anal route.
Virechana is advised when Pitta is vitiated (mainly) / other vitiated Doshas (Kapha / Vata) have come to seat of Pitta. Some of the health disorders where virechana can be administered are
- Respiratory problems
- E N T disorders
- Eye diseases
- Digestive disorders, Liver disorders, Constipation, Ascites
- Diabetes, Hypertension, Obesity, Skin lesions, Herpes
- Psychological disorders like Insanity, Epilepsy etc
- Ano-rectal diseases like Piles, Fistula-in-ano etc
- Various kinds of Arthritis like Gouty arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis etc
- Various types of Uterine disorders
Mode of action of Purgative (drugs) to induce virechana
Purgative drugs are basically hot (Ushna) in potency. Also they are sharp (Teekshna), and have the ability to enter the minute channels in the body (Sookshma), diffuse (Vyavayi) and spreading in nature (Vikasi)
With the above said abilities
- The induced drug enters into minutest channels, (sookshma)
- The hot (ushna) potency liquefies Doshas / Toxins in the body
- Attacks toxins / Doshas and breaks it down (Teekshna) and liquefied Doshas will be brought to (lower part of) stomach
- Because of dominancy of Prithvi & Jala Bhoota predominancy, Apana Vayu is stimulated and the Doshas are expelled through rectal / anal root
There are many kinds of preparations which induce Purgation, like Lehya, Churna (Powders), Taila (oils), Ghrita (Ghee), Vati (Tabs) etc. Based on the Dosha predominance, the purgatives can be combined with different drugs.