by Dr. Prasanna Venkatesh
Acharya Vagbhata says
“ब्राह्मी महूर्ते उत्तिष्ठेत्” means one should wake up at the time of Braahmi mahurta.
Now question arises –
What is the importance of Braahmi mahurta?
Vagbhata says –
As per Indian time calculations, whole night is divided into 15 muhurta. 14th segment is considered as Brahma muhurta. Roughly we can consider this time in-between 4.30 am to 5.15 am.
Already we have seen that Ayurveda says Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha are the Purusharthas that everyone should achieve in their life span. This particular time is called as Brahma muhurta because it is highly beneficial for the person who wants to attain BRAHMA (Jnana – Eternal truth) i.e, the ultimate knowledge.
How should be our body & mind while waking up? What is the logic behind it?
- Brahmi muhurtha is ideal time for those who desire to achieve spiritual enlightenment.
- As the mind will be relaxed during these hours, it is very opt time to take vital decisions.
- For the purpose of studying, this time is beneficial as the mind will be calm.
One should lie down for 5 – 10 minutes on the right side because it has an effect on our respiratory pattern & keeps us active whole day. After waking up we should pray to god & elders.
Generally a healthy person needs 6 – 7 hrs of sleep to relieve his physical & mental exertion. Therefore, 10 pm – 4:30 am is the time ideal for sleep (may vary according to individual need). Our night diet (light for digestion) & activities (study, work etc) should be such that there will be freshness in the body when we wake up.
In recent times, there is change in professions & hence in sleeping pattern. Late night works & night duties affect the general health of people. It is left to us to decide the priority – whether health or money (profession)? Adopting proper food & sleeping habits prevent many health issues.
How our bowel habits should be according to Ayurveda?
After the digestion of previous day food, it will be divided into Sara (Essence part) & Kitta parts (waste products). The waste part will be eliminated as feces & urine. As it is harmful to the body if it remains, it is called Mala.
Such waste products should be naturally eliminated from the body. Either inducing them forcefully or suppress them both are not good for health, lead to many diseases.
Along with mala (waste products) even vayu (gas) should be eliminated from the body. It is not eliminated & starts accumulating in the body. Such vayu starts moving all over the body & leads to various diseases. Hence, proper elimination of malas from the body daily morning is an important sign of healthy person.
Few have the habit of smoking, taking excessive hot water in empty stomach, walking etc in order to induce bowel movement. But such habits are not good.
Some have the habit of spending 15 – 20 mins in toilet trying to completely evacuate the stools & finally feeling relieved. But this is very harmful to the body especially when continued for long time.
Even though bowels will have unpleasant odour, excessive bad odour is a sign of ill health.
Light yellow / medium yellow color indicates health. One has to consult a doctor if there are any other changes in the colour & consistency of stools. For example, stools which are sticky, pasty (not easily flushed out form commode) suggest clear indigestion.
In general, expulsion of stools 1 – 3 times per day can be taken as normal.
Note :
Indian system of eliminating feces in squatting position is very scientific. This position facilitates the proper expulsion of stools, urine & gas (vayu). Using of western commode in emergency conditions is not wrong but for regular use Indian commode (squatting position) is more preferable.
One has to clean the hands after washing the stools with water. The usage of tissue paper for wiping is not a good practice.
Our ancestors used to touch mud / earth after elimination of stools & then wash with water. It’s that they did not have the knowledge of using soap in those days but they had an insight behind it. By the contact of mala there will be a disturbance in our trigunas (Satva, Rajas & Tamas) especially tamas. By touching the mud these will be balanced.
Hence it is very essential to know the logic behind the ancient practices before negating them as unscientific & superstitions / false beliefs.
Author is Chief Physician, Sriranga Ayurveda Chikitsa Mandira, Prakruthi Ayurveda Pratistana ®, Mysore