Gridrasi is one among the Vataja Nanatmaja vyadhi with its one of the variant is Vatakaphaja. It’s Prathyatma Lakshana is Shoola radiating downwards from Sphik Pradesha upto Pada, which causes Nigraha of Sakthi Prasarana resulting in limping gait.
Selection & usage of various formulations in Ayurveda
By : Dr. Shilpa S N & Dr. Prasanna Venkatesh
Ayurveda, the ancient Indian science is distinct in its approach towards a disease & its treatment. Analysis of each condition & its management is individualistic.
Ayurvedic clinical understanding of a case
By : Dr. Prasanna, Dr. Shilpa & Dr Pruthvi
It is very essential for a Vaidya to have the basic knowledge of Ayurveda & its clinical application through proper analysis
Ayurvedic understanding of Hypertension / High Blood Pressure (B.P)
By : Dr Priyanka Shandilya & Dr Shreevathsa
Hypertension, most commonly known as ‘Blood Pressure’ is deemed to be a Silent killer, which is widely prevalent among the people due to various factors.
Ayurvedic understanding of Diabetes Mellitus
By : Dr. Prasanna Venkatesh & Dr. Shilpa S N
The rapid advancement of science & technology in recent times in every field has contributed immensely
Medical tourism in India
By : Dr. Shilpa S N
Senior Consultant
India is a country with rich source of human resource in various fields.
Backpain management in Ayurveda
By : Dr. Shilpa S N
Senior Consultant
With the changing times even the nature of jobs are changing. From the physically strenuous hard works the jobs are gradually
Whether Ayurveda is an alternative system???
By : Dr. Shilpa S N
Senior Consultant
There were days when our ancestors were healthy & immune. Most of the diseases occurring to them were effectively cured with grandma’s home remedies.